Welcome to the Witter Center

AVS 196, 303, 397, Drill team, etc

Hi everyone! Welcome to the Witter Center Horse barn!

To begin, here are some "virtual chores" we need you to do. It is necessary paperwork and documentation of various trainings. You can access it through the links below.

You need to do the following two things:

1. Fill out this form which has:

Emergency Contact
Release and Assumption of Risk
Riding protocol
Helmet policy

2. Complete your online basic and farm safety training:
On-Line Safety Training home page: Complete the safety training here.

Upload Here your annual basic safety and farm safety certificates.

An optional short video to show how to do basic and farm safety training. To save your certificates, you should take a screen shot. On Windows use snipping tool and select a "rectangular snip", on Mac use Shift-Cntrl-4. For farm safety you can save the certificate as a pdf if you print the file, and select the printer called "save as pdf" or equivalent. If you are struggling please feel free to call me at 207-922-7475 or text me at the same number.